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HP Enterprise 600mm x 1075mm G2 Shock Rack Schrank Schwarz mit silbernen Akzenten 42U 48,3 cm 19" für ProLiant for Microsoft Azure Stack (P9K38A)

HP Enterprise
HP Enterprise 600mm x 1075mm G2 Shock Rack Schrank Schwarz mit silbernen Akzenten 42U 48,3 cm 19" für ProLiant for Microsoft Azure Stack
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HP Enterprise 600mm x 1075mm G2 Shock Rack Schrank Schwarz mit silbernen Akzenten 42U 48,3 cm 19" für ProLiant for Microsoft Azure Stack


Manufacturer Code : P9K38A. HPE Enterprise 42U
Rack Cabinet for Server KVM Switch - Black Silver
- 1360,78 kg x Dynamic/Rolling Weight Capacity
- 1360,78 kg x Static/Stationary Weight Capacity.Do
you need a rack that helps fine-tune options to
achieve more compute power in limited space? HPE
G2 Enterprise Series Racks offer innovative physical
security structural integrity cooling and cable
management features and a wide choice of power
and switching options to match your high-density
IT requirements today and in the future.
G2 Enterprise Series Racks have a 10-year limited
warranty that provides either repair or complete
replacement of the rack.
We can offer this industry-leading warranty due
to the highly durable design with fully-wielded
roll-form rack design heavy-gauge rails and heavy-duty castors.
Select shock pallet models include packaging specifically
designed to support the shipment of pre-configured
racks with up to 3 000 lbs.
of IT equipment. Choose an HPE G2 Enterprise Series
Rack for IT workloads that require a greater load
capacity additional physical security options
or if you prefer a rack that can be fully configured
and shipped to your site.
What's new 10-year limited warranty that provides
either repair or complete replacement of the rack.
Network racks include repositioned vertical EIA
rails to accommodate front to rear cabling and
additional bristle covered cable access slots
to prevent mixing of air and allow pass-through of cables.
Universal lock tooling that supports the integration
of electronic and biometric security solutions.
Flush-mount side panels allow racks to be bayed
with side panels installed.
Redesigned rack bottom providing unobstructed
access to data center floor.
Removal and reversible rack canopy with pre-installed
brush strips capable of supporting easy pass-through
of large cables and connectors.
Features Reclaim Limited Space Power and Cooling
Resources HPE G2 Enterprise Series Racks with
up to 3000 pounds of dynamic loading capacity
allow you to ship fully configured racks to save
deployment time.
Move your IT rack where you need it knowing your
equipment is safe.
An innovative 80% open perforation area on the
door helps better cool servers.
Side EIA mounting rails designed to support front-to-back cabling.
Flush-mounted side panels (optional) support rack
baying with side panels installed.
Cable management in the back of the rack provides
tool-less operations and extra space for hot air
to pass from the rack.
Designed for the Data Center HPE G2 Enterprise
Series Racks load capacity ratings help achieve
maximum utilization of rack space.
Universal rack design compatible with all HPE
rack mount products including servers networking and storage.
Front & rear doors keys and hardware kit included.
Flexible mounting options that maximize the space
available for IT equipment.
Full line of options and accessories to create
the rack that supports your compute solution needs.
The Hewlett Packard Enterprise Advantage HPE G2
Enterprise Series Racks are designed for and tested
to perform with HPE Server Storage and Networking
technology solutions.
HPE Foundation Care services purchased for servers
and storage extend to your rack and power infrastructure products.
What is the HPE advantage for you? Save $$$. HPE
management tools help maintain and manage all
equipment in the rack.
Hewlett Packard Enterprise offers an extensive
range of rack power and KVM products so you can
create the infrastructure suitable to your compute workload.
Hewlett Packard Enterprise can help to simplify
IT purchasing installation usage and maintenance.

Technische Details:

Seitenteile, Anreihsatz
48,3 cm (19")
Höhe (Rack-Einheiten)
59,78 cm
112,52 cm
200,66 cm
104,5 kg
Transportabmessungen (B x T x H)/Gewicht
89,99 cm x 129,2 cm x 216,79 cm / 191 kg
Schwarz mit silbernen Akzenten
1361 kg
Service & Support
Begrenzte Garantie - 10 Jahre
Informationen zur Kompatibilität
Entwickelt für
HPE ProLiant for Microsoft Azure Stack

Technische Daten

Produktbeschreibung:HPE 600mm x 1075mm G2 Enterprise Shock Rack Schrank - 42HE
Farbe:Schwarz mit silbernen Akzenten
Rack-Größe:48,3 cm (19")
Höhe (Rack-Einheiten):42HE
Abmessungen (Breite x Tiefe x Höhe):59,78 cm x 112,52 cm x 200,66 cm
Gewicht:104,5 kg
Entwickelt für:ProLiant for Microsoft Azure Stack

Dieses Produkt haben wir am Donnerstag, 15. März 2018 in unseren Katalog aufgenommen.


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HP Enterprise

Hewlett-Packard GmbH
Herrenberger Str. 140
71034 Böblingen

Telefon: +49 69 153253561

Telefax: +49 7031 9858623


Bemerkungen: Wenden Sie sich im Garantiefall direkt an uns:

0800 - 012 390
Mo – Fr von 8:30 bis 17 Uhr

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